

Today’s hike takes us to the most beautiful lake in the Northern Alps. It’s going to be tough. It’s our longest hike with the most height gain yet. However, the lake looks amazing and has been on our hit list for some time. Finally, we’ve decided to go and see it – and not just scroll through Instagram, jealously admiring photos from other hikers.

We’re talking about the Schrecksee. Lying at 1,813 metres above sea level, you can only reach it on foot. There is no cable car and no chair lift. To see it, you have to walk up there on your own two feet. And the going is steep. The bus takes us as far as the power station at Hinterstein, where the trail starts. From here, a steep path heads straight up into the woods. It’s a hot day, which makes things harder. Thankfully though, the high trees provide plenty of shade.

After an hour or so of continuous uphill, we reach a small plateau. Time for a break and to recover some energy. So far, we’ve only done 300 of the 880 metres of elevation awaiting us.

Back on the trail, it’s onwards and upwards again.

First in the shade of the breathtaking surrounding mountains and then out in full sunshine. Water pours both down our foreheads and as melt water in the mountain stream next to the path.

After this second steep section, surely, we are there now. But no, there’s no sign of any lake. So, on we go. Step by step. It’s not quite as steep now and the anticipation is building. There are still a few uphill sections to go, then we follow a long path through an alpine meadow in a small valley, before heading up yet again. Finally, we can see it.

We’ve made it – the Schrecksee lies in front of us in all its beautiful shades of blue and green.

We gaze up at the surrounding mountains: the Kälbelespitze, Kastenkopf, Lahnerkopf and Älpelekopf – all reflected with the sky and clouds in the crystal-clear water. What a view! For a long time, we just sit there and take in the wonderful landscape. All the sweat and exertion is worth it to experience this moment.

After devouring the contents of our lunch boxes (there is nowhere to get food up here), we turn around and head back down to into the valley, happy and delighted to be able to proudly share our own photos of this wonderful hike.

You can track the route planner of the hike here. And here you find part 2  and part 3 of our hiking in the Allgäu series.